Your feet are the most important

When the feet suffer the whole body suffers.


Over 15 years of experience


Product lines


Over 130 products


Over 17 000
satisfied customers


Prophylactic and medical insoles for children and adults with foot disorders and posture defects.

About us

The IRR company was established in 1998 in Piotrków Trybunalski. Now our headquarter is in Warsaw. Our produces and sale of footwear-related products (orthopedic insoles and heels, silicone products, disinfection liquids, natural foot creams, shoe care products, laces, shoe brushes, shoe spoons, etc.). We are a company with 100% Polish capital. For over 23 years of operation, we have put a lot of effort into providing you with the highest quality products. We work with producers, wholesalers, pharmacies, medic shops, hypermarket chains and retail stores. Counting on your favorable opinion, we guarantee that you will make the right choice when purchasing CORBBY products.